Monday, August 24, 2009

What I'm Doing

I know I know, two blogs in one day is a lot, but the first was my introduction, and I thought it would only be fair to say a little something about what I'm actually DOING on this weight loss journey.

For me, it all starts with my iPhone. I realize that sounds ridiculous, but my inspiration, Amanda, showed me an application on my iPhone called Lose It! that allows me to enter in my weight, goals, food eaten, exercise, etc. and shows graphs of my progress. Much like a checking account, it gives me a daily balance of allowed calories based on my current weight and my goal weight, and how much I want to lose per week (doesn't allow for more than 2 lbs per week because that's healthy).

As I lose weight, the amount of calories I will be "allowed" to eat change to fit the goal. Since I'm fairly overweight and would like to reach 150 or 155 lbs, I'm allowed quite a few calories, 1,565. If I get to the gym this afternoon or even do a lot of walking, I get to add that into Lose It! as well and I get a few calories back. It's really an easy system and so far it's kept me from overeating and has made me really think about what I'm consuming before I just eat anything within reach.

If you have an iPhone, get the application, it's Free! If you don't, find a similar online program or Blackberry application. Literally, it takes five minutes every meal for me to enter in what I'm eating and make sure I'm on track!

Today I've had a clementine for only 35 calories and a Slim Fast shake for 190 calories. My "splurge" will be at lunch when I get something around the 700 calorie range like a wrap or sandwich.

I'll keep giving tips as I learn them, use them and get them from Amanda! She's my guide!


  1. Oh man I LOVE the Lose It app for the of the best out there for sure!

    Welcome to the weight loss journey. You can do it!

  2. Now I'm even more excited to get my new iPhone!

  3. The iPhone really does have a lot of great apps! Denise -- check out my suggestions in the side box. Lose It! is free and amazing, also get Good Food and Nutrition Menu for those times when you're dining out!

  4. Just got an i-phone on Saturday and la la love it, now thanks to your blog i will have yet another reason to continue worshiping it :) Good luck on your weight loss journey!!
