Sunday, August 30, 2009

Today's a Challenge

Today may be the hardest day I'm going to face thus far in this challenge to lose weight. At 3 p.m. I'm expecting 15-20 close friends over to our house for a barbecue, and I know with good company comes good food and tasty drinks. My goal is to still keep my eye on the prize, and if I do indulge in a tasty treat to do so in moderation.

I don't have a lot of time to write today, since I have more than my fair share of things to get done before this afternoon, but I wanted to write something. I feel good today, but I haven't made it to the gym yet. Hopefully I'll get there before our visitors arrive!

Wish me luck! I'll let you know how it went tomorrow!


  1. I think you would enjoy reading this. This woman was 2" shorter than you, and she weighed 10 lbs. more. It can be done!!

  2. Make blue cheese turkey the leanest ground turkey you can find, fat free may dressing (1 tbsp = 11 cal) and blue cheese crumbles and throw that sucker on the grill. I was surprised at how tasty it was, but not one of my favorite recipes!
