Thursday, October 8, 2009

Please Motivate Me

As I opened the refrigerator door I scanned the shelves for something that peaked my interest. I stared at Slim Fast shakes, low-calorie Jell-O and pudding, fruit, vegetables and eggs, yet nothing that made me want to pull it off the shelf and consume it before I could shut the door. Last night, I needed something to fill my craving, but I couldn't even figure out what the craving was for!

I ended up drinking a Slim Fast shake and eating a 60-calorie pudding cup for dinner. It filled me up as I expected it to do, and was well within my calorie limit, but it didn't fill that craving. This morning when I woke up, I still had an empty spot in my stomach, and right now, almost a full day later, I have no idea what I'm looking for.

This seems to be a pattern with me right now. I'm having cravings for somethings, yet I'm not as hungry as I used to be so I'm in this constant state of limbo. I also have been lacking complete motivation to hit the gym. Will someone please motivate me?!?!? The scale dropped below that 210 mark this morning when I weighed in at 209.6. I was ecstatic, literally. I jumped off the scale, threw my hands in the air and did a little naked shimmy scaring my cat to death in the process. I felt like I reached my first milestone. However, I still don't fell like going to the gym.

I know, I know, if I hit the treadmill or the elliptical it will help drop the pounds, but my mind isn't in it. Where did it go? I honestly have no clue. I've been on this weight loss journey for 7.5 weeks, and I haven't fallen off the wagon, but I need something to rejuvenate my spirit, that spunk I had toward reaching my goals in the very beginning. So today, this is much less of a blog sharing an experience as it is a call to arms or request for help. Do any of you, my fellow weight loss buddies have any words of wisdom for this lost soul?


  1. I worked a a Gym called XRtainment Zone. It sounds like an adult video store right? Well it was a video game gym. I hate the gym myself. We had stationary bikes that hooked into racing games on PS2, Wii, a stair stepped that killed the guitar on guitar hero if you stop stepping, and many other things. I don't know if you guys have any video game type systems, but when the motivation for the gym is lacking, sometimes these types of things are a nice way to mix it up.

  2. I understand the limbo aspect. Sometimes you just need to get off your butt and go workout -- even if you don't feel like it. Sometimes the motivation happens AFTER you go to the gym! I always feel on top of the world when I put in a good workout, especially after not wanting to go in the first place. You start to crave it after a while. It can even become a really great stress release rather than just an another item on your Weightloss Checklist.

  3. you might be thirsty, so water or low-cal flavored drinks might help. or you may be lacking in nutrients, so fruits and veggies are the best for that. Melons have lots of water and vitamins.
    My personal exercise philosophy is "the very best exercise you can do is the one you actually get off your ass and do." So I only do exercises I feel like doing, even if it's only walking. You can only force yourself for so long. I exercise a lot more consistantly this way.
    good luck! -Liza

  4. Maybe its not food you are craving. This past week at my WW meeting our leader was talking about feeling your feelings and not feeding the feelings. We are all so used to just eating to get rid of the emotions we are feeling to ignore them. Instead write about your emotional being. Before eating food even water ask yourself what am i really hungry for? and think about it, write it down, decide how you are going to get through it. As for the working out thing, I feel you...I have been dragging on working out and if it weren't for Steven I would probably NEVER workout, so maybe getting a workout buddy someone to push you/drag you to the gym even when you dont feel like working out! I hope this helps! and congrats on the getting to 209!

  5. Beth- it sounds to me like you're bored and need a new "something" to motivate you (as you've stated in the title of your post- sorry for restating the obvious). One thing a friend recommended to me once was setting little fun rewards for yourself that don't have to do with food- such as a pedicure at 10 pounds, a new shirt at 15, etc. While these particular rewards didn't excited me too much, it's the idea that helps I think. I set bigger and better goals for myself. I asked myself- what are things I REALLY want? A new iPhone? Maybe $200 worth of new clothes? An expensive facial? (I have a shopping problem obviously). Set some new goals! Take a trip! Hike a new mountain! Take on a new form of exercise! Have you tried rock climbing yet? Or maybe a new yoga class? It may require you to dig a little deeper and explore a little more (of yourself), but surely you can find something new that motivates you! You can do this!
